Think About What You Just Did

My son did something wrong, and I want him to learn so he doesn’t repeat the same mistake. I hear parents say, “Think about what you did,” and send kids to time out or to their rooms. I’ve done this too. But, as I get wiser, I am realizing this is counterproductive.
Why do I tell my kids to focus on what they have done wrong when I know we get what we focus on?
My son was feeling remorseful about what he did. After a few deep breaths, I told him to focus on what he was going to do tomorrow to make it right.
When your employees make a mistake, where do you focus their energy?
Geiger CIO Dale Denham, MAS+, was named as a Computerworld Premier 100 IT Leader for 2015 and provides practical insights on how you can benefit from technology in no nonsense terms. Follow him on Twitter @GeigerCIO.

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